Recurring Tasks | Clixio Changelog

Recurring Tasks

Recurring tasks allow you to set up tasks that repeat at specified intervals, reducing the need to manually create duplicate tasks.

When creating a recurring task, you can configure the following settings:


Choose how often the task should repeat (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly).

Create Even if Previous Task is Overdue

: Ensures that new instances of the task are created according to the schedule, even if previous occurrences haven’t been completed.


: Create a fresh new task or Update an existing task into a recurring task


: Changes to a recurring task can be applied to all future occurrences or to a single instance, giving flexibility in adjusting schedules as needed.


Users can delete all upcoming tasks in the series or just a specific occurrence.


Deleted recurring tasks can be restored if needed, allowing users to bring back any instances that were accidentally removed.

  • From Tasks, Contacts or Companies page(s) – open Add New Task modal.
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  • Enter Task Details: Fill in the task name, description, and any other details relevant to the task.
  • Set Recurrence:
  • Toggle on Recurring Tasks.
  • In the Repeats Every field, specify the recurrence interval (e.g., every 1 day, every 2 weeks, every month).
  • Choose Ends On options
  • If desired, check the option to Create a new task even if the previous task is overdue, ensuring that tasks appear on schedule even if earlier ones aren’t completed.
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  • Assign Task: Select the Assignee and Contact if relevant.
  • Click Save to create the task and start the recurrence.
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