Introducing Automatic Taxes on Payment Links
**Business Users Now Have Automatic Taxes Applied When Checking Out at Payment Links for End Customers in the USA**
- Business users now have the capability to configure and apply automatic taxes on Payment Links
- If configured in the Settings inside Payments -> Taxes, at the time of checkout automatic taxes would be applied on the product
- Automatic taxes would be applied to subsequent transactions also for recurring products
- The payment link must capture customer address in order for automatic taxes to reflect.
- The scope of this feature in Payment Links covers both one-time products, and recurring products
**Automatic Taxes Available for US Customers Only**
- Automatic taxes are available only for customers entering a valid US address
- Automatic Taxes would also be applied to recurring products bought via Payment Links.
- The feature would be usable across already created payment links also!
**How to Enable Automatic Taxes in Payment Links**
- Go to Payments -> Settings -> Taxes!
- Enable Automatic Taxes -> Enter in all the details required
- Go to any live Payment Link via preview or Copy Link Option -> Enter in US Address details and voila automatic taxes would be applied!