Account Affiliate Manager: New Workflow Actions

We are thrilled to announce two new workflow actions for the sub account affiliate manager: “Add Leads under an Affiliate” and “Add Manual Sales For An Affiliate”!

  1. Action – Add Leads under an Affiliate:

    Automate the addition of leads under a specific affiliate and affiliate campaign.

  2. Actions – Add Manual Sales For An Affiliate:

    Automate the addition of manual sales and commissions for selected affiliate and affiliate campaign.

Add Leads under an Affiliate

  1. Select the action in your workflow.
  2. Choose the affiliate campaign and the specific affiliates.

Add Manual Sales For An Affiliate

  1. Select the action in your workflow.
  2. Choose the affiliate campaign and the affiliate.
  3. Enter the sales/revenue details, event date, and event ID.
  4. Save the action.

Add Leads under an Affiliate:

Add Manual Sales For An Affiliate

  1. Create a workflow where manual sales are attributed to an affiliate when leads fill out a form, calendar, or survey. Different branches can be created for different affiliates based on form replies or other custom values.
  2. Automate recurring manual sales for an affiliate using the wait and go-to functions in the workflows.
  1. The “Add Manual Sales For An Affiliate” action calculates commissions based on the selected affiliate campaign’s default commission settings.
  2. Click here for the detailed doc on Action – Add Leads under an Affiliate and Actions – Add Manual Sales For An Affiliate
  1. Video walkthrough
  2. Help Document – Add Leads under an Affiliate
  3. Help Document – Add Manual Sales For An Affiliate