Account Affiliate Manager: Bug Fixes and Improvements
What’s New in the Latest Affiliate Manager Update
🐞 Issue:
Cookies were being transferred when the source was changed while navigating through URLs.
✨ Solution:
Validation checks now verify the source with the campaign source.
🐞 Issue:
Incorrect revenue displayed for manual commissions.
✨ Solution:
Fixed! Revenue calculations are now accurate.
🐞 Issue:
Campaign screen stuck on loading when a website source was converted to eCommerce stores.
✨ Solution:
Fixed! The campaign screen now loads seamlessly.
🐞 Issue:
Special characters and spaces were not allowed in Affiliate Names.
✨ Solution:
Affiliate names now support both spaces and special characters.
🐞 Issue:
Revenue field on workflow triggers caused loading errors.
✨ Solution:
🐞 Issue:
“Charge Now” option (contact’s profile) was not supported in manual commissions.
✨ Solution:
Manual commissions now fully support “Charge Now” transactions.
🐞 Issue:
Users faced issues while generating magic links for new affiliates.
✨ Solution:
🐞 Issue:
Existing Clixio funnels couldn’t be used as external websites for affiliate campaigns, blocking tracking script integration.
✨ Solution:
Funnels can now be used as external websites with tracking scripts. The older method of direct linking is still available.
🐞 Issue:
Payout lists displayed the wrong month for team members due to timezone differences.
✨ Solution:
Payout lists now show the same months based on location timezone.