Snapshots – IP Protected Snapshots

Now you can share snapshots with IP Protection enabled, so that no one can directly re-share your assets by creating new snapshots from them

We received feedback from many customers that they spend hours creating complex assets in Accounts like workflows, funnels etc. which they sell offline by taking snapshots of that sub-account. Many of their customers then start re-selling these assets by creating new snapshots, which devalues the original assets they created.

New Snapshot Share Modal with option to enable IP protection to generate a new share link.


New Snapshot Create Modal – which will display a list of all assets that will be included in the snapshots, as well as the assets that are restricted (IP Protected) in that sub-account and will not be part of the snapshots.


How to Use?

While generating a snapshot share link of any type – Click on Checkbox- Enable IP Protection
