Messaging Error Trigger | Clixio Changelog


To enable our clients to respond effectively to messaging errors, we’ve introduced a new workflow trigger for specific relevant error codes.


This will be available for both Native Phone and Twilio accounts.

SMS Error Trigger:

The “Messaging Error – SMS” trigger allows you to initiate workflows automatically whenever an SMS has resulted in an undelivered state and returned one of the below-mentioned error codes.

List of errors that would be part of the starting MVP would be as below:

  1. 30007 – Carrier Violation
  2. 30034 – A2P Registration Pending on Number
  3. 30032 – Toll Free Number not Verified
  4. 30005 – User Inactive/Number does not exist
  5. 30003 – Unreachable/Out of Service Number
  6. 30004 – Do not want SMS/DND enabled
  7. 30006 – Landline/Incapable to receive SMS

Trigger Name:

Messaging Error – SMS

Workflow Activation:

This trigger activates a WorkFlow based on the error received for an undelivered message. This can be used for taking relevant measures to clean the contact list eventually improving the delivery rate.

Steps to Set Up:

Step 1. Choose a Workflow Trigger: Select “Messaging Error – SMS” from the dropdown list.

Step 2. Workflow Trigger Name: Provide a descriptive name for the trigger to identify it within your workflow easily.

Step 3 Filters: You can add filters to narrow down the trigger to specific error codes, for example:

30007 – Carrier Violation


Step 4. Further, this can be created into if else if different actions are needed as shown below: