Dynamic Countdown Timer Integration | Clixio Changelog

We have integrated Dynamic Timer from Email Builder into Funnels and Website Builder.

Contact personalised timer:

Each contact’s timer can expire based on when they receive or open the email.


Target specific customers:

By sending contact-specific timers in email and respective live site links with a synced Timer.


Some other uses:

This contact-specific timer can also target customers for E-commerce Sales, Event Signups, Product Launches and Limited Availability Products.

  1. Open Marketing -> Countdown Timers -> Create a New Timer -> Select Design -> Select Dynamic Timer -> Set Duration and Time -> Save
  2. Open Funnels and Website Builder -> Click on Add -> Countdown Timers -> Choose Dynamic Timer
  3. There you go 🎉 Now, this timer will be in sync with the timer from the Email Builder.

Happy Building! 🛠️