Create and send an open invoice for a failed subscription payment
What’s New?
- With this functionality, businesses will be able to collect payments using invoices in cases where automatic collection of a subscription payment fails for native integration payment providers.
- An invoice will be automatically created every time there is a payment failure for a subscription and will also be sent to the customer.
- This will be done in parallel with the ongoing subscription payment retries.
- The customer’s payment can either complete with existing retries or they can pay using the invoice.
- As soon as payment is collected via the invoice, the subscription will become active again, provided there are no other unpaid open invoices present for the subscription.
- These invoices will function similarly to any other invoice with the exception of limited edit available i.e. the invoice amount, customer, email content, etc. cannot be edited and will reflect what is already there in the subscription.
Where can we find these invoices?
Payments > Subscriptions > Subscription Details > Invoices
Payment providers supported with this feature-
NMI,, Square
What’s Next?
- Businesses will be able to define and edit the email template that will go to the end customers in case of invoices sent for subscription payment failures.