Account Transfers
Come and join the Clixio family!
Follow these simple steps to transfer your HighLevel (GHL) account to Clixio. We’re here to make the process as smooth as possible!
Step 1: Create a Free Trial Account
Click here to sign up for your free trial account with Clixio.
Step 2: Contact Your Current Agency
Reach out to your current GHL agency and let them know you’d like to transfer your account to Clixio. They’ll need to initiate the transfer for you.
Share Clixio’s Relationship Number with your current agency: 0-150-574
This ensures the transfer is directed to the correct account.
Step 3: Wait for Confirmation
Once the transfer is initiated, Clixio will accept the request. Transfers are usually processed quickly, but feel free to check in with both agencies if needed.
Step 4: Update Your Billing Details
After the transfer, login to your account and update your billing details in your account settings.
If you have any questions or run into issues during the transfer, our team is here to assist you. Contact us anytime, and we’ll guide you through the process.