Introducing Capability to Copy & Send Personalised Payment Links
What’s New?
- Business users now have the capability to choose multiple contacts and directly send out personalised payment-links to the contact via email & sms from editor.
- Business user’s can configure their own email and sms templates to send or even use the default template provided.
- Once the user opens up the payment-link from this template, they would have all their data like name, email, phone already filled in making it a personalised payment experience.
- Along with this the business user also has an option to copy the standard link or choose a contact from the dropdown and get personalised payment link for the contact.
Why is this Important?
Increased Payments Conversion & Reduced Churn
- This will help the business users boost payments conversion as personalised payment-links remove in an additional step to fill in the contact data, with customer data already prefilled a lot of churn would be eliminated.
Time Efficiency & Flexibility for Business Users
- By allowing business users to send payment links directly from the editor and pre-configure templates, this feature saves time and effort. Users can quickly generate and send links without navigating away from their workflow, increasing productivity and efficiency.
How to Use it
- Go to Payments Tab -> Payment-Links -> Edit
- In the top right corner one would be able to see a Copy / Send Button ( on saved links or post saving a new link)
Note – User needs to save a payment-link first and then this feature would be available, it would also be available for already saved links.
What Next
- Ability to Prefill a Coupon would come soon which will help the business user’s more in terms of marketing
- When the user would open up the payment-link it would have the coupon pre-applied making it more lucrative for the customer to buy!
Detailed Loom Video on How the New Feature Works – Loom Video